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Aquarium articles - AquaService - Dnepropetrovsk. Fauna Company
FAUNA Co. AquaService Dnepropetrovsk, Kurchatova street, 4 8 (0562) 33 55 31, 8 (0562) 33 59 92, 8 (0562) 32 05 00
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Species (fishes and plants) | | Comments: 1

Sacred Lotus
Sacred Lotus
Nelumbo is a genus of aquatic plants with large, showy, water lily-like flowers commonly known as lotus. The generic name is derived from the Sinhalese word Nelum. There are two species in the genus, the better known of which, the Sacred Lotus (N. nucifera), is the national flower of Egypt, India and Vietnam.
And now, imagine that whilst on a holiday in a foreign country, a stranger describes to you a wondrous plant growing in his garden. A plant that produces luxuriant circular leaves, larger than dinner plates, elevated on strong, slender stems up to 1.5 m. above the ground.


Species (fishes and plants) | | Comments: 0

Water Lilies
Water Lilies
Water lilies are the quintessential aquatic garden plants; for many people water features are "water-lily ponds". These ubiquitous livestock are well-deserving of their popularity; hardy, long-lived, with blossoms of almost every color, water lilies abound in their practical and esthetic value to the aquatic gardener.
Water lilies are purchased from water garden mail-order outfits, local nurseries, and sometimes "fish" stores and fellow hobbyists.


Pond | | Comments: 2

Pond in Winter
Pond in Winter
How to prepare your pond, fishes and plant to winter season?
Every year, as the weather gets colder and we start heading into winter, many of our customers ask us how to prepare their ponds for winter. Pond owners should be aware of several simple things to do in preparing their ponds for colder months.
Some usefull tips


Pond | | Comments: 0

Keeping your pond beautiful in spring
Keeping your pond beautiful in spring
No matter where we live, there's always a day or two in spring that are unusually warm and sunny, like the summer days that are just around the corner. Take advantage of those balmy spring days to get your pond into tip-top shape for summer. Take the time now to find and solve those pond problems, before disaster strikes. This summer, you'll be glad you did.
Follow these five simple steps to spruce up your pond so that it's all set for the warm summer months ahead.


Pond | | Comments: 0

How to chose an air pump
How to chose an air pump
If you have a fish tank, than an aquarium pump is essential to the functioning of the aquarium, and must be chosen with great care. Without a pump, your fish would not be able to get the oxygen that they need.

Finding the pump that is right for you can be difficult if you are not familiar with the industry. In many cases, when you purchase a new tank, it is likely that most of the necessary equipment including the filter pump come pre-packaged. This makes the set up so much easier, as you will instantly know that you have everything needed.


Decor and Equipment | | Comments: 0

The biotechnology industry has struggled for the last twenty years to come up with products that work, and propaganda to sell those products. Remember the FlavrSavr tomato, the first genetically engineered (GE) food product designed to ripen on the vine, yet stay firm all the way to market? Well, it hardly lasted the first truck ride across the country, as it really wasn't all that squash proof.


Species (fishes and plants) | | Comments: 0

Riccia fluitans (Crystalwort)
Riccia fluitans (Crystalwort)
One of the groups of aquatic plants which is frequently overlooked and under-rated are the floating plants. There are a surprising number from which to choose, with a variety of shapes and sizes as well. The fact that a plant is referred to most commonly as “floating” doesn’t automatically mean that it must remain forever on the water surface, or that it will necessarily thrive best there.


Species (fishes and plants) | | Comments: 7

Zebra cichlids
Zebra cichlids
The Zebra Cichlid has a "typical" mbuna shape. The coloring depends on the geographical population and mood of the fish. The most common color variety has a pale blue body with seven to eight, dark blue or black, vertical bands. All flanks are pale blue. Another variety or "mood coloration" is simply pale blue in color. Albino and white variations are very common, as is a "Red" or "Tangerine" form, and several blotched "OB" varieties.


Species (fishes and plants) | | Comments: 1958

Goldfish types
Goldfish types
This is the start of a several part series of which goldfish types, maintenance, breeding, collecting eggs, and even shipping eggs and fry will be discussed. I hope to share facts as well as my own experience with these beautiful, but challenging fish. Who knows maybe even a few surprises along the way.


Species (fishes and plants) | | Comments: 7

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