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Aquarium articles - AquaService - Dnepropetrovsk. Fauna Company
FAUNA Co. AquaService Dnepropetrovsk, Kurchatova street, 4 8 (0562) 33 55 31, 8 (0562) 33 59 92, 8 (0562) 32 05 00
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Poecilia Libestes Reticulata, a fish commonly known as the Guppy, is a very popular aquarium fish. It is particularly suitable for novice aquarists since it is easy to keep and non-aggressive. The Guppy belongs to the Livebearer group and will give birth to free swimming fry instead of laying eggs. The Guppy originates from fresh and brackish waters in South and Central America, but can today been found wild in other places of the world as well, including Florida in the U.S. The Guppy has been deliberately set free in several Asian waters in an attempt to combat malaria by decreasing the number of mosquitoes.


Species (fishes and plants) | | Comments: 0

All about Neocardinas
All about Neocardinas
Neocaridina are small freshwater shrimp, also called dwarf shrimp. 2 species Neocaridina have been bred in several colors and are very popular for the planted aquarium. Neocaridina are from the family Atyidae and the subfamily Atyniae, which also include shrimps from the genus Atya, Atyopsis, and Caridina. Shrimp from all 4 genus are represented in the aquarium trade. The Neocaridina are very similar to some shrimp from the genus Caridina, which include the Amano shrimp among others, and were once considered part of that genus.


Species (fishes and plants) | | Comments: 1920

Tips for Buying Aquarium Fish
Tips for Buying Aquarium Fish
It's very important as part of your plan for having successful aquarium to take note of the type of inhabitants. One of the most important elements of you aquarium will naturaly be fish. Never buy fish before finding out about its requirement first. You really need to take your time to ask questions and be very observant when you are in the aquarium store. There are lots of aquarium stores with unknowledgeable owners, so you don't base your decision on their advice alone... make sure you take a look at the fish yourself.


Housing and Care | | Comments: 148

Plant Filters For Home Aquaria
Plant Filters For Home Aquaria
Terrestrial plants grown hydroponically near an aquarium can be an inexpensive supplement to (or replacement for) a mechanical filter, and are particularly useful with fish that are incompatible with aquatic plants.


Decor and Equipment | | Comments: 0

Aquarium Substrate
Aquarium Substrate
In choosing a substrate for your aquatic caudate, you must first take a few things into account: How large and what species is the animal? Does it require hard or soft water? Does it prefer still water or flowing streams? Will it be fed by hand or allowed to hunt on its own? Will you use live plants? How easy will it be to clean the substrate?


Decor and Equipment | | Comments: 2

How to grow aquarium plants
How to grow aquarium plants
Sooner or later the aquarist gets the urge to create a beautiful underwater planted garden:
Easy - Buy some attractive plants and stick them in the sand. Truth - Couple of weeks later all of them have rotted and melted away.
…So what went wrong? Plants require light, nutrients, trace elements, C02 and substrate to grow. Let's look at these issues....


Decor and Equipment | | Comments: 0

Если Вашему дому или офису не хватает ярких красок - заведите аквариум в стиле "псевдоморе". Повторяющий по атмосфере настоящий морской аквариум, он более прост в обслуживании. Псевдоморской аквариум может быть выдержан как в холодных спокойных тонах, так и представлять собой пеструю картинку смешения контрастных цветов. Что предпочесть – зависит от Ваших вкусов, целей и помещения, для которого предназначен аквариум.


Decor and Equipment | | Comments: 14

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