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Psychedelic fish - AquaService - Dnepropetrovsk. Fauna Company
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Psychedelic fish

Psychedelic fish

The name, which gave a new kind of fish Ted Pietsch - Professor of Ichthyology (University of Washington), speaks for itself: he called it Histiophryne psychedelica.

In January 2008, near the island of Ambon in Indonesia, this fish was first discovered by divers, and they immediately got in touch with specialists. Only a secretive way of life can be explained by the fact that nobody have seen the fish before. Now with the help of DNA scientists refined the taxonomic status of new species and wrote about it in the journal Copeia.

"Psychedelic fish" amazes his odd appearance and behavior. Her body size of a fist, painted winding pink stripes on a yellow background, and the tiny wide-set eyes look straight ahead. It seems that the fish is under the influence of drugs, because it is not so much swim as the water freezes, jumps, sways and seems to have no control over their movements. Ted Pietsch says that such behavior does not tipical for any of known fish.

When the fish falls to the bottom, it pushes off its fins, thus pushes water from the gill slits, and at reactive thrust impulse is moving forward. As her tail curled to the side, it limits the possibility of steering control, so moving the fish like a balloon, oscillating back and forth.

Histiophryne ðsychedelica – inhabitant of coral reefs. Thick skin folds on the body to protect it from sharp projections at the time when she was dropping in the slot and secluded shelter reefs. It is a predator and eats small animals.

Perhaps the most surprising feature of the new fish that it's eyes are directed forward, as people eyes. This gives it a strange "facial expression". All the other fishes have eyes, located on either side of the body. According to the Pitch, who learning and classificating fishes during 40 years, he did not meet "lookouts" fish ever before. It even leads to the assumption, isn't the "psychedelic fish" has binocular vision?

Matherials: University of Washington News.
Proof-Link: www.uwnews.org

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