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Snail new facts - AquaService - Dnepropetrovsk. Fauna Company
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Snail new facts

Новые факты про улиток

It would seem on the shellfish, we know everything. And the land or, for example, the same aquarium snail slow, gluttonous, unpretentious, incredibly tenacious. According to public opinion than of going to eat, good for a man they do not represent any. Fortunately, scientists do not think so. Several recent reserches have opened up new facts from the life of snails. And part of them can even find a practical application.

Snails are known to be one of the earliest known types of animals evolved on the surface of the earth more than 600 million years ago. They belong to the phylum Mollusca of the kingdom Animelia and have the ability to adapt to a number of living conditions with very little food requirements. They are classified as mollusks due to their hard shells that protect their bodies from these variant environmental conditions that they have evolved from. Snails are found in every part of the world in oceans, on trees and on land. They are very slow moving creatures who can travel large distances of land and water for months together and live in tiny holes of mud or on leaves. These are just a few well known snail facts, read on to know more such interesting ones coming up for your information.

A colossal squid is larger than a giant squid. The size is thought to be 1100 pounds and over 30 feet long.

More Snail Facts:

Snails include the kind served in restaurants, as well as clams, and the snails in your garden that destroy your plants.

They are triploblastic protostomes. This means that their bodies are made up of a mass of material that holds the organs, a foot that holds the muscle enabling them to attach to a surface, and the head. Some but not all have eyes and tentacles.

The snails’ body has a sheet or mantel, which forms a shell from secretions.

They scrape up their food by moving back and forth on an edible surface. You can picture this when you recall seeing a snail attached to a leaf. Later you see the leaf is full of holes.

Snails do not have segmented bodies, like most all land animals.

They are believed to be related to the annelids. Annelids are animals that do have segmented bodies.

They are not male or female - they are hermaphrodites. They can produce both sperm and eggs.

The snail has no sense of hearing, they use their sense of smell and feeling to maneuver about the earth.

A snail is not in the insect family. There are more snails than insects on earth.

The trail of slime that they leave as they move allows them to move on any type of surface in any terrain without being injured. Think of being able to walk on glass, sharp rocks etc. without hurting your feet. That’s how they are.

Snails in nature live 15 years on average, up to 25 years. In captivity, they live longer because they are protected from predators.

Larger snails eat smaller snails. Snails are also on the menu for birds, frogs, dogs and cats (sometimes they just kill them and don’t eat them). They can seek protection by withdrawing into their shells but predators often break the shells.

Snails don’t carry disease like cockroaches do, contrary to common belief. They are not dangerous to touch. To be safe though, you should wash after handling them

They are safe to eat only if they are prepared correctly. If you are planning to try a recipe for snails, use an established cook book and follow directions exactly as written.

It is generally accepted that they have been on earth for month that 600 million years.

Now you now some surprising snail facts that can be the start of studying about the amazing animal kingdom.

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